Brainstorming with Adrienne – WHY DO WE WASTE TIME and PROCRASTINATE?
You’ve done it.
I’ve done it.
We’ve ALL done it!
Why we do “it” has been written about and talked about endlessly. However, there is no better example to show what procrastination and time-wasting really is, than seeing it in action.
This video is literally 5 minutes of me in the midst of procrastinating and time-wasting, I discuss it in the video, but the question remains WHY do we do it? It can be exasperating when it happens.
Procrastination can feel like roadblocks. It is hard to accomplish anything when you are busy wasting time. There are many ways to waste time. I name a number of ways I wasted my time in the video. So watch and see if you see yourself in my procrastinating “actions”… (or lack thereof) lol.
Adrienne Obey, owner and creator of multiple websites discusses WHY DO WE WASTE TIME and PROCRASTINATE? Recorded May 14, 2019. WOMEN UNITED Register in advance meetings: Brainstorming – Thursdays at 6 pm PST: Women United – Monday and Thursdays at 7 pm PST WOMEN UNITED